What is FIRST LEGO League Jr.?
A non-competitive, hands-on program which builds interest in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). Teams of up to six students aged 6 – 10 explore a new and exciting challenge based on a real-world theme each year. Guided by adult coaches and FIRST® Core Values, students in a team build a model using LEGO® Education WeDo 2.0 and create a team ‘Show Me’ poster to present what they learned.
How Can You Help?
Support a school team. With a contribution of €150 per school team, you will be supporting six young students and their peers to embrace STEM literacy and learn the values of teamwork, research, respecting opinions and sharing discoveries and solutions for real world problems.
In addition, we also encourage you to instill volunteerism in your company by dedicating one employee to mentor your supported team for 12 to 16 hours (in 12 sessions), thus providing a vital, long-term relationship between the education and corporate sector – beyond just the financial support.
With over 110 Primary Schools, how many can you support?
What Will Schools Be Getting?
FIRST® programs support educators by engaging students in STEM learning and preparing them for the future through hands-on fun. Your support will provide:-
1 x LEGO Education ‘Mission Moon’ inspire set, Team Registration fee, Team Mentor training by certified FLL Tutors, a contribution towards the organisation of the event including medals and certificates and other ancillary expenses. (NB. Eligible Teams require a LEGO WeDo v2 set to use in their final presentation model)
What's in it for Your Company?
FIRST sponsorship benefits include:
* Exposure in schools and in local and global media
* Strengthening of your company reputation in the community
* Global recognition across FIRST® properties and events
* The creation of a pipeline for future interns and employees
* Rich employee volunteer opportunities
* Employee team building and training opportunities
Are you ready to support this event or wish to know more about it? Please send an email to fll@engagestream.org.mt or call Tel: (+356) 79539522 / 79463669